Thursday, December 9, 2010

Technology in Temperance

Technology can greatly negatively impact humanity. To demonstrate this, I have followed the story of “Second Chance”. Ralph Reeder is a simple bull owner that used to own a bull named “Chance” that he and his wife would treat as a beloved pet. Then, the bull died, and to deal with his grief, Ralph had it cloned, resulting in “Second chance” 
Second Chance Today
The new bull was similar in almost every way, but after one birthday party thrown for “Second Chance”, on the way back, the bull tried to kill Ralph. Ralph theorizes after being injured and attacked a second time that there’s only 95% of “Chance” in “Second Chance”, but he hopes that since they got “Chance” after he was 7 that by that time, “Second Chance” will have mellowed out. Because “Second Chance is around, Ralph still believes that he can have “chance” back, but things don’t always work out the way they should, and reality someday will come crashing in on him even harder than when “Chance” first died. The technology of cloning is what made this possible, hence the my title "technology in temperance".

This is a true story. See here.

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